Saturday 29 October 2016

Treatment for my production

I have decided to create a treatment plan for my production, including all the different features that I need to consider and include into my trailer. This is so I can check if all my different features link and work well together, for example the mise-en-scene and the soundtrack. I feel that this has helped greatly as I feel I know what I am doing with my trailer now.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

production name idea:

'Blah Blah Productions'

I have decided that I would like to have a company name that would link to indie coming of age films. As one common characteristic of teenagers and adolescents is that they talk a lot, in which adults would think has no context or relevance. Therefore I thought of the name blah blah productions, this would make the audience feel like it would link to them due to the characteristic. On the software 'Sketch' I have created different logos in which I think would be appropriate for my company logo. I wanted to give a slight comedy element to my logo as they will be for independent company and most coming of age films have a slight comedy element to them. I have thought of this company being a low budget company, which do not have large amounts of money to create expensive and high tech logos, for example universal and paramount, therefore there needs to be a rookie style to the logo.
I have created a variety, in which I think would also be a good idea to get feedback from, therefore I will create a survey on paper for people to pick which is the best logo, and if there are any changes needed the audience can tell me.

I have now conducted audience research and used my created images to create a tally. This will make me see which production logo the audience think is more appropriate and appealing. I put all of them into a piece of paper and asked people if they could tick/tally the logo they thought they liked the best. The reason I thought that I should do it on paper instead of online is because they can ask me questions, for example why I wanted to call my production company 'blah blah productions'? and what the genres of films I would help produce, as this would help argue which is the best logo, so that they link to the film and the style of production company.

From this it turns out that the middle black and white logo is seen as the most appropriate people thought and asking them why, they responded that is it the most appropriate because it looks professional, sophisticated and clear.

Monday 17 October 2016



On a normal Wednesday morning, both girls Luna, who is an antisocial, unpopular teen and Tessa, who is one of the most popular girls in school go to school in their normal routines. Completely oblivious to what is going to happen, that they would be collided with each other and their routines would change throughout their teenage years. Both start off the day by having their normal boring lessons, then when travelling to school they notice a poster, which is meeting for a competition for making a documentary, created by the BFI, which if won will be rewarded £1000 and an internship with the company. To submit your documentary, you have to be in groups with a minimum of 2 people. This annoys both Luna and Tessa as they wanted to do this alone, but either way they go to this meeting so that they can get more information about the competition. The two girls are both late to the meeting, but when they get there at the door, they give each other dirty looks and both rush through the door, to find no one else at the meeting. This causes the two girls to look at each other and question what may have happened. Tessa suggests they wait to see if any more students arrive. In silence they wait for another 10 minutes and realise that no one else is coming, and the teacher is reluctant to stay for the whole meeting due to the bad turn out. He tells them what they need to do for the competition, and leave the meeting. They look at each other and realised this what they had to work with.

For the first few weeks they decide to meet up twice a week, in a place that no one will see, as Tessa does not want to be seen with Luna as her friends will bully her for it. Then decide what they want the documentary to be about, death or parties, and then they start to think about the town that they live in, which is Birmingham. This is something that has been historically known and there are lots of different perspectives that they can look at. The good, the bad and the ugly. This is where the friendship that they created started to strengthen. They start to not care about being seen as their friendship is what they have both wanted, as Luna never had a friend as good as her and tessa has always been seen as popular, but never had an actual best friend that she could trust. They start to really enjoy their friendship and forget about the documentary. They also start to go to each other's houses in which they see the true difference between them. Tessa does not have a good home life and is seen as she does not have a lot of money, and is not of a good social class in comparison to Luna who has a lot of money. Luna choses past this as she likes having her as a friend. Throughout recording, there are parts in which they forget and record each other and the amazing friendship that is starting to arise. 

This all goes downhill when Jamie comes home from uni, Luna's old best friend. Luna cancels one of their filming sessions to see Jamie and the day after when Luna and Tessa meet again, she seems different, back to the same old Luna, who has a pessimistic attitude and does not want to be social with Tessa. Tessa is confused as to why she has started acting miserable again and quickly realises its because of Jamie. Luna starts to invite Jamie along with them to film, and the documentary starts to take a turn for the worse. Eventually Tessa starts an argument with Luna and Jamie, saying that she is being awful and doesn't like the person she has turned into. This huge argument makes them both want to quit the competition, and with only a few weeks until submission, they both feel like there isn't even a chance of them winning anyway. 

Then during school, Luna see's Tessa upset because her friends have fallen out with her, because she lied about where she has been. 
However Luna, alone at home realises that the whole thing was her fault and that shes not happy in her friendship with Jamie. Without telling Tessa, Luna takes the footage she had and edits the documentary herself, but instead of carrying on with the plan of making a documentary on their town, Luna collects all the footage of Tessa and makes a short documentary about her, about how great she is. She makes the film as a way of saying sorry to her, and submits it without Tessa knowing, but including her name on the publishing comments, so it would be submitted as a group, not an individual. 

I have conducted a survey to ask some of my intended audience how they feel about the narrative: 

Friday 14 October 2016

Institution logo's

I have created a collage of different logos for film institutions, so that I can start to think of the logo that I would like for my media production company. Most of these companies are from British origins such as Film 4, and working title. I have also included institutions such as Warp Films that have created Indie related productions, such as Submarine. This has started to make me think of the different names and style I would like my logo, but I also want to experiment before I start to look into one style.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Survey Monkey results

The first question is 'what is your age and gender?' This question helps me to understand who has answered my questionnaire and find out who is my intended audience and what they would like me to include in my project. From my results I found that there is a wide participation in my questionnaire of different ages and genders. I had people up to the age of 40 partaking in my survey, this helps me to understand my project further in the view of the audience.

The second question I asked my audience is what sub genres do you prefer. This helps me to understand the underlining themes and ideas I should include in my synopsis and film trailer. Most of the audience suggested comedy, this is very normal in a coming of age/indie films as they have a lot of humour in to lighten the mood of the exaggerated issues that are involved in the film. 

The third question that I asked is 'what type of cost do you prefer in an Indie film?' This question helps me to understand from the audience the amount of people they would like to be involved in the main cast of the trailer and film. It was a close call which the results but the audience said they prefer a smaller cast. This is better for me as I can develop the characters so that there is a closer connection between the characters and the audience if they are developed more. 

The next question that I asked was the topic that needs to be addressed in the film. I wanted to know by my intended audience what they wanted to see as a struggle in a coming of age film. From this we found out that either sexuality or individuality was the highest answers. This can be for two reasons. One is that these are the most popular coming of age films at the moment and what there content is. or that this is the most suitable topic as these issues are frequently occurring in today's society. I like the idea of including individuality, as sexuality is slightly Cliche of a coming of age film in today's society as gay rights is becoming more accepted.

The next question that I asked is the film poster. This is because I need to know which looks more appealing so I can analyse the features that they potentially found appealing, so that I could incorporate them into my own work. My audience liked the idea of either Juno or Perks of being a Wallflower, this may have been due to the audience knowing these films the most or that they found them the most interesting. I think that it could be either about the casting choice or the topic that they are clearly showing through the poster. This helps me to think that I need to make it obvious what topic I am going to be showing on my film poster. 

My next question is the most interesting part of a trailer, this is so I can make this my priority for creating my trailer. Most of my audience said the storyline, which really benefits me as this is something that needs to be the most detailed so that I am able to engage the audience as much as I can. They also said the music, which I feel is a suitable answer as the audience need to get an overall feeling for the trailer and music can help to influence this a great deal, therefore I will start to research good appropriate songs I can include for my soundtrack. 

I also asked what indie film do they think is the most classic so that I can see what they define as a good Indie film and then I can analyse the different reasons as to why. Most of my audience suggested Juno and Donnie Darko, this is because they are the most known films as well as being very unique in their time of release. I think I will mainly stick towards Juno as this is more lighthearted, and easier to engage the audience, whereas Donnie Darko is a more dark film which will be harder as this requires more money for special effects and to engage such a mass audience. 

I also wanted to work out if my audience felt that there could potentially be a secondary audience for an Indie film. Most people did not think of older people would be targeted for an Indie film, or a coming of age film as this is especially targeted for teens. However some of the audience did say it depends on the film, this is because some of the most classic Indie films have been around for years, in which both adult and teens both find entertaining, therefore an older audience could potentially be seen as a targeted audience. 

Finally, my last question was to find out how my audience take in information about upcoming films. This is so I would know the best way to advertise the trailer for my audience to see. Most of my audience suggested that I should use social media as this is one of the biggest influence in finding information. This helps me to think that I could include social media symbols on my film poster, to be able to show that you can find more information about the film on social media. Including more mediums and more publicity. 

Monday 3 October 2016

Genre, Audience and Conventions: Movie Trailers

I have used canva to create a presentation on Genre, Audience and conventions in movie trailers, however I cannot embed them onto my blog, therefore I have screen shotted them and put them onto a Microsoft power point. However here is the link for the actual presentation.