Wednesday 21 December 2016

Practise photos - print products

Here are some of the photos that I took as a practise for my print product:

  practise photos

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Ending credits to a trailer:

From looking at various different key features to a trailer, I forgot one feature that is one of the most important and is key in every trailer, this is the ending credits. The ending credits help you to understand the director, producers, production company, as well as the key actors. I have found some examples from the internet to see the common features:

Most of these examples include both icons of the production companies, as well as the name of the director, name of film, production name, producer, writer and in some cases the co-writer. 

From this I have looked at ones from my genre to make the credit features more specific: 

From this I have attempted to create some draft versions of my own credits for my trailer: 

Friday 9 December 2016

Schedule draft for group:

I have created a schedule to make sure throughout our mock exam period what days are completely off limits and who will be free depending on who is needed for certain scenes. The crosses indicate the times we certainly cannot film and ones with exams depends who the exams are for, for example Millie playing Jamie might have an exam but the rest of the company could film as she is not needed in all of our scenes.

Director brainstorm

I have used the website to create a mindmap of different directors and what films they have directed that is purely a coming of age film.

Thursday 8 December 2016


As Indie films/coming of age films do not have a big budget, they are less likely to have billboards and have to find other ways to advertise their films. In my opinion a film like mine would not be billboard worthy, however I thought it is still a good idea to think about Billboards and what conventions they need to have to be a successful billboard.

The conventions are:

  • A large main image that normally includes a main character or actor that you know, to make the film look more appealing.
  • Depending on the audience will depend on if there is a lot of text, but all include a large text being the title.
  • Some will include slogans, actors names, credits and the release date, to give a bit more information for the audience.
  • Most of the images include a direct mode of address.

DVD Cover designs:

DVD cover brainstorm

I have looked online via Google images at a variety of different DVD covers, to see the different styles. All of these are from different genres but that does not necessarily mean that these are the conventions for the different genres, I have chosen these because of how different they are in comparison to each other. It helps to see what the expectations are depending on the budget, for example the Hunger Games cover has a lot more to the detail of the cover in comparison to Friends with Benefits which had a much lower budget. Therefore this is the aim/goal to get to with my front cover.
Some of the similar conventions that I have found though are:

  • The title is much larger than any other text on the cover
  • all of the main actors names are located at the top of the cover.
  • there are a variety of different pictures on the back to give an insight of what will be in the film. 
  • There is a brief summary of the narrative so the audience know what to expect.
  • The main image is of the main characters
  • The credits are located at the bottom back of the cover.
  • The barcode is either at the top of the back or on the side at the bottom. 

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Still images research/collage

I have created some collages to do with different coming of age films. The main idea of this is because some production companies use still images as some of their print products, for example their posters or front covers. I have also decided to use this to understand the mies-en-scene of each coming of age films. This is so I can decide what the background will look like in my filming as well as potential pictures as extra development for my work. I feel that during my videoing I am going to take photos which will also be a part of my production, incase I cannot screenshot photos from the video that I think will work.


Ghost World

Perks of being a Wallflower

Thursday 1 December 2016

Montage examples:

These are examples of montages from different films which are from a variety of different genres. This is to be able to see the change between characters or the themes. This links towards my film trailer as there are various different montages to show the change and the friendship between Luna and Tessa that is strengthening. I have taken montages from the films:

Eddie the Eagle 


Ferris Bueler 
