Wednesday 25 January 2017

Tessa and Luna's day out filming

I have created a video of some of the clips that I took of the characters Tessa and Luna on their day out to show the positive side of their friendship and how it started to blossom. I also took some clips to symbolise them not getting along which I will later on use to show the development of their relationship through the narrative of my trailer.

Photos whilst filming

I have taken some photos whilst I was filming to see if any of these will suit my print product in any way. I will start by editing some photos to see if they do work. More practise photos

update on trailer:

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Final draft credits:

I have created a final ending credits that I can include in my production trailer and print products. I will then get some audience feedback incase my target audience believe I need to include more information for them. I feel that this includes enough information for the audience, as well as including outside companies that have been included in creating this trailer.

Inter titles?:

Intertitles, then known simply as "titles", were a mainstay of silent films once the films became of sufficient length and detail to necessitate dialogue and/or narration to make sense of the enacted or documented events.

I know that I will need to include my intertitles in my work, as this will help to understand the production more. I have used Adobe fireworks to start to practise making intertitles, in which I can then import into IMovie. 
Here we can see the difference between the colours and how they can effect how professional the intertitles look. 

I have also attempted to do an inter title in the style of a poster, as the intertitle for the actors name will be on the side whilst the video is playing, instead of stopping the flow of the trailer. 

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Print product practise

I have started practising using Adobe Fireworks to create a piece for my print product. With this, I feel practise is better as I will be constantly developing new skills with my work, making my print products better and better.

This is the piece I ended up creating. I feel there are various different places to improve but this was to get a starting idea on what my product could potentially look like. I like this because the image has a direct mode of address, as well as including the main pieces of information. However when looking this piece, I feel that i need to have a slogan or even having this in a vertical orientation. 

I started off by placing my image in the centre of the page. I used the magic wand tool, located on the tool bar on the left hand side, creating a clear background to be able to include a different image on the background, which would change the setting of the image. For this I included a white background, as I was inspired by the poster for the film 'laggies'

I then went onto including the title of the film, which I had already created earlier on a different media platform. I was originally going to have this piece at the top of my print product, however, due to the colours standing out, I felt that it would still be visible overlapping the image. To make it stand out more I included some shadows on the back of the image, so that the font looked as if it was 3D in comparison to the image. In the image you can see the different filters I have included in my product. 

I then went onto including different other titles, which were the actor's names. This is so that the audience can see who stars in the film. I felt that putting the names above the characters, would make it clearer which name was for each actor. However I knew that I would need to change the font, colour and size of each text box. Therefore with the tool bar on the bottom of the page, I changed the colour to a purple colour, similar to the title colour, the size to 150 and the font to something as similar as I could to the title, so that there is a house style throughout the print product. 

What could of been better?

I could of included more text boxes with different pieces of text, as well as using a different background, as this looks too plain for a final print product. I also would of liked the print product to be vertical and A4 so that it could fit into a poster sized enlargement. I think that this product would be appropriate for my audience and genre however, because most coming of age films have a small budget, meaning that they do not have money to create impressive print product work, therefore with some more detail onto my work, this will look appropriate. 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Practise videos.

Within today's recording, I was able to get some of the shots for the beginning of my trailer, when Tessa and luna meet each other for the first time. I was able to get a variety of shots. This is one of the scenes I was able to make.

I feel that this editing went well, but I will need to put more detail into my editing as the sound and the editing of the frame does not look exactly the way i would like, which means this will not look as professional, meaning my audience will not approve.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Photo choices

These are the two images that I will be using originally to create mock drafts of my print poster product. I feel these are the most professional looking and portray the characters quite well. I am going to attempt to edit these photos as if they are going to be my final photos so that I can work out where some of the text will stand and if the photo needs editing itself, for example the lighting. This will help me improve on my final piece if I find a photo which would work a lot better whilst I am filming.