Sunday 19 February 2017

Audience Feedback

I have been conducting research into feedback of what my targeted audience like or dislike about my ideas for a movie poster. From this I can see why the audience like each poster and what they would want me to improve on, which I can then make improvements to.

Friday 10 February 2017

BBFC student information

I have taken screenshots of the information given by the BBFC (British board of film classification) to see what I would actually need to do and the actions I need to take if this was a real film going to be made, instead of a trailer.

laurel wreaths

I have decided for my print product that I need to include more features that it typical of an indie film. When looking at some examples I have found that on the print product, and sometimes in the trailer that award/festival involvement has been included. Therefore I decided to Google what 'wreaths' are around the festival titles and it came up with 'LAUREL WREATHS' which is something that you can get on google images to use as your own. Now I will research some of the festivals and awards that an indie film like mine could receive to see what I can put on my print product. 

two versions of scene 1.

Different poster designs

I have started to experiment with different designs for my poster print product design. The design on the right is what I started with and the ones below are what I developed with. I wanted to keep my original idea for the colour scheme, which is when I discovered the poster for 'Palo Alto' an indie film starring Emma Roberts and James Franco. This design is something I would like to try and follow the conventions of.

Here I have attempted to mirror the design of the poster for Palo Alto, but one improvement I will need to continue with is attempting to get a fade with the background from one side to the other, similar to the poster. I also need to edit the original photo of my main character also, which is too defined. 

Poster Idea 1

Original - Completed on sketch. This is the outline of the original idea..

But after getting some new images to work with, I then used adobe fireworks to create this:

More filming photos:

I have uploaded more of my photos to Flickr that I can potentially use for my print product photos. filming pictures

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Billboard photos?

from doing some more recording and videoing on the weekend I attempted to get some good photos in which I think could work well with my billboard poster I am going to be doing. The horizontal photo will not need to be transformed and has a lot going on in the shot. My favourite photo is the first one as this has really good lighting to show that this film is lighthearted and fun to watch.

it also shows there characters off really well which I feel that not all the photos do well, therefore I will try and use this for my practise billboard photo, until another better photo comes along.

Print product inspiration continued.

I have been doing some more research into print products and have started to think more and more about what photos and style I can create for my own print products as my genre is coming of age. Most of these images and print product designs are from Indie genre films, however, they are the style that I would prefer to do. My favourite is Palo Alto, as this image is slightly different, I would use my main character Luna for this image or Tessa as they are the main characters. However the print product for Toad Road is fairly similar which is a style I would like to look into.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Sound considerations?

I have been looking on the website to see what sounds I can find in the different categories to determine what bedding track I would like for my trailer:

These are the different sounds that I thought were most appealing as a bedding track for my trailer. Some of them sounded good but would be better merging with others or at different parts in the trailer. However the song I would like to use the most is 'Weathered' by Jack Garratt as this has a perfect breakdown in the song for my trailer. This could be a problem with regards to the copyright, therefore I have attempted to contact the record label 'Island Records' to see if they can grant me the permission to use it. If not I will use the tracks I know I am allowed to use.