Thursday 6 April 2017

Evaluation Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Made with Padlet

Evaluation Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

script: The main product for my project was a coming of age trailer for a film I called Happening upon Luna. Alongside that I created two ancillary texts to compliment the product, which was my magazine front cover and my print product poster, which would be best advertised on a cinema poster or on the side of a bus stop, as well as a Billboard poster
.  I attempted to create a common connection with all of my products throughout various different aspects. However with each of my products I cannot show too much of the narrative as there will be no element of curiosity for the audience if they know exactly what the film will consist of.
Happening upon Luna is about a young girl called Luna who destined to complete her career as a director enters a competition with the BFI to complete a documentary. However she finds herself stuck with one of the schools most popular girls to complete the project with, which they both find hard at first, but the more time they spend with each other, the better friends they become. Until her friend Jamie becomes jealous of the time they are spending together and helps to sabotage their relationship by causing Luna to upload the documentary in which they hadn't finished. This causes Luna to fall out with both of her friends and a lot of problems she then has to fix to get back her friendship.
The first is with my logo, I ensured that my logo would look the same throughout all of my products to create synergy throughout the products. There were some issues with this, as I used different software for each product I had to try to make each of the fonts the same as each other.  With the two products, my trailer and my poster I kept the same colour scheme, however with the magazine I had to change the colour for it to stand out.  With the colour scheme, my aim was to make sure that the colours created the same binary opposite effect as the characters, so there was a common subconscious theme throughout my products, to show the main characters are opposite, linking to Levi - Strauss' binary opposite theory. This is so that the audience find similarity between my products and can easily recognise them, making my product look more appealing.
Throughout all of my products I also wanted to keep this idea that the product was different to the rest of coming of age films. Therefore conforming to Steve Neale's theory of genre evolution. Happening upon Luna is supposed to be stretching the boundaries of coming of age films as there are conventions that the film does not conform to, meaning it does not follow the same boundaries as most coming of age films. There is also the common similarities between my products to make sure the audience feels 3/4 of Blumler and Katz theory, that the audience should feel diverted (as each of these products look interesting to engage and divert them from their lives, to feel a personal relationship with the products, as each product is easily accessible if they were on the market, therefore the audience can bond between each of the products. Creating more connections with people who have a common interest in the product. Finally using the theory of personal identity, through the idea of using technology, such as Luna's camera. This theory is the idea that the audience can compare their lives with the products, in which they can as technology is a key product to the target audience, meaning they can feel a sense of similarity with this feature as I have incorporated it into each of my products.
In terms of the genre, I have followed links towards Rick Altmans semantic and syntactic elements theory as this is something that can be clearly addressed throughout my trailer and ancillary texts. I have used certain semantic elements, such as the constant use of technology throughout my products to show that this is a film following features from the 21st century, such as the use of cameras and phones to use socially and educationally. I have also used young actors to play within my trailer so that the audience associate it with a teenage film as the actors are young and can potentially be playing students.
I have also attempted to keep a continuous link towards social media throughout my products. Especially through my poster and my trailer. This is to help my audience feel more of a connection as social media is also a key feature in my target audience's lives, so linking my products to social media makes it more appealing for my audience, as well as including more than one social media platform to make my products more diverse.
Within my trailer and my production I have attempted to follow props character rules as well as straus' binary opposite theory. This is by making each of the characters completely different to each other. Luna is the pessimistic character, but is the main focus of the film, hence the name of the film, as well as being the main image for both of my ancillary texts. She is seen as the hero and the villain at the same time because of her being the main character who forms and breaks the friendships. Whereas the character Tessa is the more optimistic character who wanted to create the friendship in the first place. She is seen as the princess in terms of props character types, as she is the character who needs to be saved and fixed by Luna. She is the second most important character but is not as pushed into my trailer and print products.
The character Jamie is the sidekick / the villain of the production as she is the character who stops the friendship between the characters Tessa and Luna. However she also is Luna's best friend, in which if we were to see the whole film, Jamie would help by thinking of the idea to make the whole documentary about Luna. She is also not a character who has been included in the ancillary texts as she is not the most important character.
Each of these characters I have decided whether or not they will be associated to Laura Mulvey's objectification theory. However the only character that I believe applies to this is Tessa's virgin association.
Within each product I have continuously used a medium shot so that you can be introduced to the character. Some will depend on the different angles, but this is so that the audience can see the characters clearly on all products and means they will understand the narrative better.
Finally I have included a continuous reference to different reviews on the products and awards, this is to make more of a reliable perception of the product and represents my product as being something that will be worth watching and creating a consistency shows that it has been seen by lots of authorities that found it appealing. I have managed to do this by using the Laurel wreaths as this is a common convention that is used to represent awards that have been given to the production as it has been recognised and voted for.

Evaluation Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Evaluation Question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

New media definition - means of mass communication using digital technologies such as the Internet.

The outward expression of a brand – including its name, trademark, communications, and visual appearance – is brand identity. Because the identity is assembled by the brand owner, it reflects how the owner wants the consumer to perceive the brand – and by by bethanymallett1998 Presentation was used on

Friday 31 March 2017


Trailer draft 5

Due to one of the previous actors not being available, a recast has had to be filed. This meant that I had to re-film all of my trailer within 72 hours before the trailer deadline. 

here is a draft for the new footage.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Character profiles (changed)

Tessa: Bethany Mallett
Characteristics: Brown hair, blue eyes, 5"3 tall.
Why is she suitable for the character?: She is a suitable candidate as she is willing to get involved with our production, her physical features are what we are looking for in our character Tessa. She also has a similar fashion to her character and lifestyle, meaning she can be herself in the production, and will not find it hard to get into character.

Luna: Trinity Roberts
Characteristics: Short brown hair, dark clothing style with Brown eyes. 5"5 tall
Why is she suitable for the character?: I feel that she will fit the character due to accepting to be a part of the production. I feel this will be a slight challenge for her to change to the character but she will be able to do it as she does have similar antisocial characteristics. She also has lots of different clothing in which she could wear for the videoing sessions.

Jamie: Lauren Brown
Characteristics: Red rockchick hair, brown eyes 5"6 tall
Why is she suitable for the character?: Similar to Tessa's reasoning. Her personality and characteristics are similar to the character due to being very rebellious in her behaviour, as well as not being a highly social character in social situations, in which is very similar to the part of Jamie. She is a person who would be willing to partake with the production as well as being part of the team creating the trailer. She wears similar clothing so will not need to buy clothes for the production.

Final draft print products

Feedback from overall products via Facebook (social media)

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Improvements to script

This is the story about how I lost my bestfriend... my co worker and almost ruined my career.
But lets start at the beginning.

(Curiously) "Are you going to the meeting for the BFI competition later?"

Tessa's friend Louise: 
(disgusted) "EUGH, Why would I go to that??"

(monotone) " Have you ever been so oblivious to some people who make you happy?"

(monotone) "And they disappoint you?"

(argumentatively/loud angry tone) "I thought you were becoming a better person!"

(sassy tone) "Well at least my old friends don't try and change me like i'm incapable of being myself!"


Tuesday 28 March 2017

inspiration for improvements

After looking at my first draft of my trailer I realised I needed to make some slight improvements. From my trailer, I could see that it does not completely follow conventions of indie films/coming of age films. One key convention I have noticed is the use of narration, This is because the audience want to feel close with the main character and in most situations, the main character narrates the story so that you can follow. Here are two examples of trailers, not particularly of my genre, that follow this convention that I could incorporate into my trailer. 

My voice over script:
  • My names Luna Bloome and this is my story...
  • I feel like life relates to diary of a whimpy kid, when i'd prefer the breakfast club
  • I don't really like making friends..
  • Wait. that's a lie. I'm just not very good at it. 
  • Ok.. i'm awkward.. this is so awkward
  • I don't really know who I am yet
  • But I definitely know it's not bloody butterflies and rainbows
  • I feel like I try really hard to be friends with the local Barbie
  • But no one beats my best friend Jamie. 

Inter title improvements

I have realised looking back at existing products, as well as my own trailer that my intertitles do not look as professional as they should. Therefore I went back onto fireworks to edit my intertitles more to see if this helps to create a more professional tone to my trailer. 
I think because of my audience, it is a good idea to include links to social media as this is a big influence on young peoples lives, as well as helping to show more marketing techniques that I could include for this piece. 

Redrafted trailer

Synopsis development

On a normal Wednesday morning, both girls Luna, who is an antisocial, unpopular teen and Tessa, who is one of the most popular girls in school go to school in their normal routines. Completely oblivious to what is going to happen, that they would be collided with each other and their routines would change throughout their teenage years. Both start off the day by having their normal boring lessons, then when travelling to school they notice a poster, which is meeting for a competition for making a documentary, created by the BFI, which if won will be rewarded £1000 and an internship with the company. Both Luna and Tessa are excited about the idea of this competition, and think that they will be able to do the project independently, in which Luna's teacher has to break the news to Luna that you have to work in groups of 2 and she will have to work with a girl called Tessa. The two girls are both late to the meeting, but when they get there at the door, they give each other dirty looks and both rush through the door, to find no one else at the meeting. This causes the two girls to look at each other and question what may have happened. Tessa suggests they wait to see if any more students arrive. In silence they wait for another 10 minutes and realise that no one else is coming, and the teacher is reluctant to stay for the whole meeting due to the bad turn out. He tells them what they need to do for the competition, and leave the meeting. They look at each other and realised this what they had to work with.

For the first few weeks they decide to meet up twice a week, in a place that no one will see, as Tessa does not want to be seen with Luna as her friends will bully her for it. Then decide what they want the documentary to be about, death or parties, and then they start to think about the town that they live in, which is Birmingham. This is something that has been historically known and there are lots of different perspectives that they can look at. The good, the bad and the ugly. This is where the friendship that they created started to strengthen. They start to not care about being seen as their friendship is what they have both wanted, as Luna never had a friend as good as her and tessa has always been seen as popular, but never had an actual best friend that she could trust. They start to really enjoy their friendship and forget about the documentary. They also start to go to each other's houses in which they see the true difference between them. Tessa does not have a good home life and is seen as she does not have a lot of money, and is not of a good social class in comparison to Luna who has a lot of money. Luna choses past this as she likes having her as a friend. Throughout recording, there are parts in which they forget and record each other and the amazing friendship that is starting to arise. 

This all goes downhill when Jamie starts to become more jealous about them working together and Tessa breaking their relationship, as well as Luna wanting to get the documentary finished and shares the video without asking for Tessa's permission.
Then during school, Luna see's Tessa upset because her friends have fallen out with her, because she lied about where she has been.
However Luna, alone at home realises that the whole thing was her fault and that shes not happy in her friendship with Jamie. Without telling Tessa, Luna takes the footage she had and edits the documentary herself, but instead of carrying on with the plan of making a documentary on their town, Luna collects all the footage of Tessa and makes a short documentary about her, about how great she is. She makes the film as a way of saying sorry to her, and submits it without Tessa knowing, but including her name on the publishing comments, so it would be submitted as a group, not an individual. 

Thursday 23 March 2017

Final print poster

Here is my final design for my print product poster for my trailer 'Happening upon Luna'. I have improved the credits and the background to create a gradient look from a silver/purple, to white. I will however conduct more audience feedback to ensure that my product is the most professional and is appealing to my audience to the best of it's ability.

Audience feedback:


After speaking to my teacher, I have been given some tips that I could use to help improve this product further in order to appeal to my audience more:

  • Change the logo, as it looks pixalated and messy. 
  • Attempt to change some of the fonts as they do not compliment each other. 
  • The outline between the background and main image needs to be edited. 
  • Potentially the main image could be changed due to the picture not having a direct mode of address. 

Sunday 19 March 2017

Storyboard (first draft)

I have used storyboard.that to be able to create the images to my storyboard, to get an understanding of what my trailer will look like. Below I created a written storyboard that goes into more detail. I could not go into full detail with my images using this site as there is not as wide variety of pictures and features to chose from, for example background scene images or props such as books and cameras.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

additional photos:

Here are some additional photos that I could use for either my poster or my magazine front cover.

Friday 10 March 2017

First magazine draft.

film magazine images

I have took some more photos of my characters for my magazine front cover as these will be more professional looking and will have a better effect on the audience. I have took photos of the character 'Luna' with the camera and without. This helps to link with the character as Luna likes to take most of the videos for their documentary, therefore the camera is a key feature of the picture,

Film magazine images

Here are some of the images I think I will experiment using for my magazine draft: