Tuesday 28 March 2017

Synopsis development

On a normal Wednesday morning, both girls Luna, who is an antisocial, unpopular teen and Tessa, who is one of the most popular girls in school go to school in their normal routines. Completely oblivious to what is going to happen, that they would be collided with each other and their routines would change throughout their teenage years. Both start off the day by having their normal boring lessons, then when travelling to school they notice a poster, which is meeting for a competition for making a documentary, created by the BFI, which if won will be rewarded £1000 and an internship with the company. Both Luna and Tessa are excited about the idea of this competition, and think that they will be able to do the project independently, in which Luna's teacher has to break the news to Luna that you have to work in groups of 2 and she will have to work with a girl called Tessa. The two girls are both late to the meeting, but when they get there at the door, they give each other dirty looks and both rush through the door, to find no one else at the meeting. This causes the two girls to look at each other and question what may have happened. Tessa suggests they wait to see if any more students arrive. In silence they wait for another 10 minutes and realise that no one else is coming, and the teacher is reluctant to stay for the whole meeting due to the bad turn out. He tells them what they need to do for the competition, and leave the meeting. They look at each other and realised this what they had to work with.

For the first few weeks they decide to meet up twice a week, in a place that no one will see, as Tessa does not want to be seen with Luna as her friends will bully her for it. Then decide what they want the documentary to be about, death or parties, and then they start to think about the town that they live in, which is Birmingham. This is something that has been historically known and there are lots of different perspectives that they can look at. The good, the bad and the ugly. This is where the friendship that they created started to strengthen. They start to not care about being seen as their friendship is what they have both wanted, as Luna never had a friend as good as her and tessa has always been seen as popular, but never had an actual best friend that she could trust. They start to really enjoy their friendship and forget about the documentary. They also start to go to each other's houses in which they see the true difference between them. Tessa does not have a good home life and is seen as she does not have a lot of money, and is not of a good social class in comparison to Luna who has a lot of money. Luna choses past this as she likes having her as a friend. Throughout recording, there are parts in which they forget and record each other and the amazing friendship that is starting to arise. 

This all goes downhill when Jamie starts to become more jealous about them working together and Tessa breaking their relationship, as well as Luna wanting to get the documentary finished and shares the video without asking for Tessa's permission.
Then during school, Luna see's Tessa upset because her friends have fallen out with her, because she lied about where she has been.
However Luna, alone at home realises that the whole thing was her fault and that shes not happy in her friendship with Jamie. Without telling Tessa, Luna takes the footage she had and edits the documentary herself, but instead of carrying on with the plan of making a documentary on their town, Luna collects all the footage of Tessa and makes a short documentary about her, about how great she is. She makes the film as a way of saying sorry to her, and submits it without Tessa knowing, but including her name on the publishing comments, so it would be submitted as a group, not an individual. 

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