Tuesday 28 March 2017

inspiration for improvements

After looking at my first draft of my trailer I realised I needed to make some slight improvements. From my trailer, I could see that it does not completely follow conventions of indie films/coming of age films. One key convention I have noticed is the use of narration, This is because the audience want to feel close with the main character and in most situations, the main character narrates the story so that you can follow. Here are two examples of trailers, not particularly of my genre, that follow this convention that I could incorporate into my trailer. 

My voice over script:
  • My names Luna Bloome and this is my story...
  • I feel like life relates to diary of a whimpy kid, when i'd prefer the breakfast club
  • I don't really like making friends..
  • Wait. that's a lie. I'm just not very good at it. 
  • Ok.. i'm awkward.. this is so awkward
  • I don't really know who I am yet
  • But I definitely know it's not bloody butterflies and rainbows
  • I feel like I try really hard to be friends with the local Barbie
  • But no one beats my best friend Jamie. 

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