Wednesday 22 June 2016

British Film- Submarine

Submarine - Precocious Oliver Tate struggles with being popular in school but when a dark-haired beauty, Jordana takes interest in him, he's determined to become the best boyfriend in the world. Meanwhile, his parents' already rocky relationship is threatened when his mother's ex-boyfriend moves in next door. Oliver makes some unorthodox plans to ensure that his parents stay together and that Jordana still likes him.
This is the trailer for the film, it includes the main story line for the audience to follow. It also includes a consistent colour scheme from the poster, trailer and the DVD front cover. It includes the main character throughout and shows that it revolves around him but includes the other character Jordana and his family. There are no other principal characters, therefore they did not need to be included. 

I have made 2 thinlinks to analyse the conventions of the British film. One of the film poster and one of the DVD front cover. This will help me to improve my ideas of what I want to use for my final project. This film is an indie film/ coming into age, with slight comedy. This is similar to the genre which I want to do for my final project, therefore there will be similar features that I want to note, which could be useful for my project. 

Media Language:

The language used throughout the trailer is to do with relationships, education and insulting each other. This is vital themes throughout adolencant years. 


In the trailer, there is a lot of close up camera shorts. In my opinion this is to show the intimacy between the characters, This is because in Indie films, the main connection with the film and the audience is to have something in common, to engage the audience futher. Therefore if the audience feels intimate with the characters, it will make them feel more engaged and can notice the similaries between them. 
There is also a lot of high and low angled shots during the trailer. This is to show the inferiority and superiority of the characters. This is also to create the connection effect between the characters and the audience. This is also because most people who watch Indie films are younger, in which their feelings are more fragile.


The sound of the trailer consists of asynchronous sound of a Narrative of the main character Oliver Tate. He talks about things that he involves in his life, such as phases, different pleasures and certain hobbies he likes to fulfil, for example the sex life of his parents. This context is certain things that teenagers and other members of the targeted audience might find interesting and would make them more curious about the upcoming film. There is also a soundtrack, that mainly conists of sounds by Alex Turner, who is now a member of the band 'The Artic Monkeys'. Majority of the soundtrack is slow, disfunctional music, which would seem more interesting for the audience, as the music is seen as an Alternative genre. This makes the idea of uniqueness of the film even stronger, meaning there is nothing likfe the film. This will cause the audience to want to watch it more as it does not try to fit in with society, which is an inner connection to the audience, as some do not want to fit in also. 


Most of the editing throughout the trailer is cutting, and some continuity editing. This is to show that there is not a lot of order throughout the trailer, to reflect and represent the main characters life. After several frames, the clip will cut into a title page reading a variety of different titles for example.
  • Establish Relationships
  • Identify Love Interest
  • Introduce Protagonist
These titles are things in which would appeal mostly to an adolensant audience. This also gives a more narrative approach, which connects the audience and the characters even more, due to the film being a first person perspective. 
Some of the frames change the look, for example some are clear, large video clips from the films, and some are small like you would be videoing from the tv, which could signify the videos are a flashback to what has happened or as if we are with the character looking back on their memories. 


The main mise-en-scene of the trailer consists of the main characters' house, classrooms and school hallways and abandoned fairgrounds. These locations are some of the key places that a teen would want to visit. School is something that is vital in a teens life, their house is where they could spend majority of their time, and an abandoned fairground is where teenagers can be rebellious and not be told off as it does not belong to anyone. Teens like to become rebellious, especially the age of the targeted audience of this film, therefore the mise-en-scene will really appeal to them. 


There are key themes throughout this trailer which I have already mentioned but they have a different representation to what would be the connotation of that theme. For example Love. Most people in their teenage years discover heartbreak. This is a key theme throughout the trailer, which causes teens to not believe that they will find true love. This theme shows that all teenagers are doomed if they want to find true love and happiness. 

Friendship is another theme throughout this trailer. Many teens discover that their friends will come and go and will probably fall out with some of their friends. Most people believe with the theme of friends is that you will stay friends forever, some people forget that it is hard for some teens to make friends, which is clearly seen throughout the film in general. Also that friends are hard to make if there is conflict between people in that friendship circle.

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