Tuesday 14 June 2016

Preliminary ideas

Preliminary task:

I will be producing a moving image product for a short narrative within a genre of the following:   
  • western gunfight 
  • horror chase
  • romantic encounter
  • gangster deal
The product must be no longer than 60 seconds and the work should be planned and divided between the group.  All members must develop their practical skills in the use of the camera, tripod, editing and sound.  Each member of the group will produce their own edit.

The project must include;
  • a shotlist
  • a storyboard
  • a script
  • 2 characters
  • use of all of the camera shots/ angles and movements listed below
  • dialogue 
  • titles
  • a soundtrack
  • mise-en-scene
  • a final product

Our initial ideas: 

So far as a group, me and Leila, we have decided that we would like to go down the route of a horror chase. We thought that we could use the idea of religious based horror within our product to make it less cliche. We have had the initial idea of having Leila being the spirit, who is chasing me. This is because either I am becoming a sacrifice for Christianity or to die to take away the sins that I had created. 

There is a small alleyway beside the Church near Leila's house in which we feel would be perfect to use. This way we are bringing in the idea of religious horror and it is the perfect stereotype for the chosen genre.

We thought that Leila would be best as being the spirit, even if we decide we do not want Leila to be visible, she will still be considered a character. Then I will be the person being chased, this is to show that stereotype that normal everyday people are the main victims of a horror film. 

We have not yet decided on a title for this scene or the film in general, however we have researched the some of the most negative words in the Bible to make this religiously and politically correct. We found the words Propitiation and Expiation. These are words that connote sacrifice and other negative connotations of the Bible and Christianity. 

We have now got to research existing clips similar to what we will be creating to find a house style and similarities between them, for example shots, lighting, editing, dialogue. 

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