Wednesday 30 November 2016

Cameras : Prop selection

I have found a selection of different cameras that I can use as a prop. I think the third one down will be the most appropriate prop to use for the time period as well as the genre of film.

Photoshoot for print product schedule

This photoshoot will be to test my actual style of photos whereas for my actual photos I will not be using planned photos as I want to get a photo which will link closely to the montage's that are going to be edited into the trailer, my idea for the photo will be Luna and Tessa sitting in the park and laughing, having a good time, or a photo of them filming for the documentary, this is so that the picture looks more professional and not staged, which is some of the conventions you would find in an Indie/coming of age film.

Title design ideas?:

From looking at some of the feedback I got from my audience, I have decided to go with the variation in typography, however I now need to look at the colours and style of the title. From this and the research I have done into contrasting colours I have decided that I am going to use contrasting colours within the title. The two main colours that stuck out to me the most were yellow and purple as these do relate to the characters and their attitudes. From this I made a colour design of the title. However I also thought it would be a good idea to try with another colour to see what the audience preferred.


Monday 28 November 2016

Production Schedule - Finished

Production schedule -In process

Print poster ideas

From using 'BeFunky' I created a collage of different print posters of 'coming of age films' in which will help me to see the similar conventions, so that I can use these ideas to decide what I want my print poster to look like.

The common features of the posters are:

  • The use of the characters being the main visual on the front. Includes the main characters, not all of the cast
  • To have a plain background that is of one colour, either white or a slightly brighter colour.
  • To include the names of the actors, to show that the coming of age genre can incorporate actors who are widely known. 
  • To have a catchy slogan that links to the film, that is placed away from all the other texts. For example the top of Ferris Bueller's day off has 'LEISURE RULES' at the top of the poster
  • Most of the actors have a direct mode of address. 
  • The title has to stand out in comparison to the rest of the text.
I will consider these conventions when planning my print poster as these are common conventions that potentially help to class these films as coming of age.

I have used these ideas and came up with styles in which my posters could be set out:

Friday 25 November 2016

Script with group.

(Curiously) "Are you going to the meeting for the BFI competition later?"

Tessa's friend Louise: 
(disgusted) "Why would I? Does it look like something a popular girl like me would do?"

Mr love:
(Sarcastically) "Wow small crowd. Well yeah a competition you know about, 6 weeks to complete, blah blah blah... Okay, cya!"
(quickly) "Oh by the way, you can't submit the work unless your in a group minimum of 2 people."

(quietly) "I guess it's just us then..."

"So what made you join the competition?"


"it's to get my parents off my back..."

(monotone) " Have you ever been so oblivious to some people who make you happy?"

(monotone) "And they disappoint you?"

(confused) "Who are you?"

(confused/sassy) "Who the hell are you?"

(argumentatively/loud angry tone) "I thought you were becoming a better person!"

(sassy tone) "Well at least my old friends don't try and change me like i'm incapable of being myself!"

(monotone) "Then I guess sometimes they can surprise you, and that's what friends are for."

Style Ideas:

From looking more closely to my characters, I have decided to create a few collages to define the different characters and the costumes that they would wear. I want Luna to have a light Gothic edge to her style, Jamie to have a grunge style and Tessa to have a popular girl/sporty girl style. These are the types of clothing which will show the individuality of the different characters and also be clothing in which each of the actors would have in their wardrobe. I feel that each of these styles represent their character well.



I have used the website storyboard.that online to show the different characters in which I can potentially use for my storyboards. These characters are the ideas in which i associate with the characters. 

Location and Actor contracts

As a production company, I have decided to work out some contracts to ensure that we can use the location and actors that we want to for our trailer and filming. This means I can now make sure that they understand we are responsible for their safety, we cannot pay anyone for their involvement.

Here is the template I used for these contracts and forms:

Theorists linking to my film production - Mr Love exam prep.

script based on shotlist:

(Curiously) "Are you going to the meeting for the BFI competition later?"

Tessa's friend Louise: 
(disgusted) "Why would I? Does it look like something a popular girl like me would do?"

Mr love:
(Sarcastically) "Wow small crowd. Well yeah a competition you know about, 6 weeks to complete, blah blah blah... Okay, cya!"
(quickly) "Oh by the way, you can't submit the work unless your in a group minimum of 2 people."

(quietly) "I guess it's just us then..."

"I don't see you much around school?"

(monotone/embarrassed) "I don't talk to many people..."

(monotone) " Have you ever been so oblivious to some people who make you happy?"

(monotone) "And they disappoint you?"

(confused) "Who are you?"

(confused/sassy) "Who the hell are you?"

(argumentatively/loud angry tone) "I thought you were becoming a better person!"

(sassy tone) "Well at least my old friends don't try and change me like i'm incapable of being myself!"

(monotone) "Then I guess sometimes they can surprise you, and that's what friends are for."

Thursday 24 November 2016

Comparisons of my AS /A2 coursework - For exam preparation.

Character profiles:

Tessa: Rachel Illife
Characteristics: Blonde hair, blue eyes, average height.
Why is she suitable for the character?: She is a suitable candidate as she is willing to get involved with our production, her physical features are what we are looking for in our character Tessa. She also has a similar fashion to her character and lifestyle, meaning she can be herself in the production, and will not find it hard to get into character.

Luna: Amelia Mills
Characteristics: Short ginger/red hair
Why is she suitable for the character?: I feel that she will fit the character due to accepting to be a part of the production. I feel this will be a slight challenge for her to change to the character but she will be able to do it as she does have similar antisocial characteristics. She also has lots of different clothing in which she could wear for the videoing sessions.

Jamie: Leila Kafu
Characteristics: Long dark hair, brown eyes, average height.
Why is she suitable for the character?: Similar to Tessa's reasoning. Her personality and characteristics are similar to the character due to being very rebellious in her behaviour, as well as not being a highly social character in social situations, in which is very similar to the part of Jamie. She is a person who would be willing to partake with the production as well as being part of the team creating the trailer. She wears similar clothing so will not need to buy clothes for the production.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Video Pitch

Create your own user feedback survey Here is the results to my survey:

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Considerations for locations/risks

The weather:

At some of the locations, there might be particular weather forecasts that we need to avoid, as we do not want to get rained on, for example. This is one of the issues which we need to think about, therefore if this is the case, we need to have backup places we can record that will need filming, if the weather forecast is not how we want it.

Are there any risks?
The risks of this is that floors may be slippery in which we could fall over, also that if it is raining we will need to make sure that the equipment does not get damaged, in which we should make sure that we keep covered with umbrellas and get into a dry area. 

The peak times of a location:

When looking at my locations, if they are in a public area, I will need to consider the time of day in which there will be a lot of people. Depending on what I want the mise-en-scene to look like will depend on when I go to video the scene. For example with places such as the park I will not want that many people in my shot, therefore I will go during the day when most people will be either at work or in education. However in places such as the pub I would like the scene to look packed with lots of 'extras' to change the atmosphere of the shot.

Are there any risks?
The risks of peak times in public places is that there are some people who could potentially steal bags or equipment, in which we will need to make sure that we travel together at all times. We should also not flaunt that we have expensive equipment with us that people could steal. Another thing is to make sure when travelling that we know the right routes that we are taking which are the safest, as well as being sure the right busses/trains go to the right location.

The time of the day:

The time of day will vary depending on what lighting I will want to use in my videoing. This will then depend on what time I will be going to the location, so that I can either get bright lighting in the day or dark lighting nearer to the evening.

Are there any risks?
The risks of being around in the nighttime is not being able to see what we are videoing, which we will need to take high powered torches with us so that the camera can see us. We also need to make sure that again, we are travelling together so that no one gets left behind. If anyone is late to a location, that we phone to make sure we know where they are in case they could be potentially in danger.

Photos of my locations I am using/videoing in: 

Sunday 13 November 2016

The DUFF (2015) - Film review

I have decided to look at the most recent coming of age film called 'The DUFF' I feel that this will link well to my production as the characters all show different personalities, which is something in common with my production. This film really helps to show that there are multiple themes and representations throughout, especially gender, as each of the main characters shows a different representation of that Gender. Within the beginning of the trailer, it helps to show the different representations of gender. Mainly to do with females, making this a 'chick flick' to show girls that they all can belong to a different group and be okay with it. Throughout the trailer there is also a form of rebellious behaviour being portrayed through the soundtrack and acting of various different characters. I feel this film is a good representation to go by, in terms of representation and the use of inter titles, as there is a comic book style throughout as well as a modern twist on the editing.

Bianca is a content high school senior whose world is shattered when she learns the student body knows her as 'The DUFF' (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) to her prettier, more popular friends. Now, despite the words of caution from her favourite teacher, she puts aside the potential distraction of her crush, Toby, and enlists Wesley, a slick but charming jock, to help reinvent herself. To save her senior year from turning into a total disaster, Bianca must find the confidence to overthrow the school's ruthless label maker Madison and remind everyone that no matter what people look or act like, we are all someone's DUFF.

Friday 11 November 2016

Audience theories and research:

I have created a mindmap on mindomo, which does not allow to embed onto blogger, I have created a screenshot of the mindmap I have created which is research into different audience theorists and how I can incorporate them into my film as well as finding existing example to ensure this is a convention which I can consider into my work. To see the full mindmap, click onto :

Pitch script ideas

I have started to draft the script that I am considering to use for my 60 second pitch. This is so I can think of all the details in which I need to include, which an institution would find appealing and exciting, in order to want to fund me for this project. I have created one in the style of a professional production company and to talk about the narrative and create some rhetorical questions that the audience might ask themselves. Then I have created a script in the style of the characters, so that the institution can have a feel of what the production might be like. I feel like the character idea will not work as well because not all of us are actually starring in the film, which will confuse the institution as well as show that some of us may not be the strongest of actors.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Colour choices?

I have started to research into different colours, representations and contrasting, to see what will fit in my title and the overall colour scheme of my film. I wanted to look at colours that are opposite to link towards the characters.
 I have found that I want to use opposing colours, that are either really bright, or really dark, because bright and dark will show the characters appropriately but will not look professional on a trailer or a poster for the film. I like the idea of purple and yellow colours as this helps to show their characters well. I think that I will use these for my posters but dark colours as these look more professional.